Warner Cemetery Records
The Cemetery Records for the town of Warner, NH were compiled by Roxana A. Smith between 1978 and 1982. She visited all 30 public and private cemeteries twice, recording names, birth and death dates, and family relationships from readable headstones. Oral history and commentary obtained from long-time residents Orton Hill, Edith A. Mimnaugh, Harold Dow, and Robert Dean Smith and other reference sources cite unmarked graves and provide more information in the notes section.
Records from headstones in Pine Grove Cemetery were updated by Mary Cogswell and Carol Piroso in 1998. Schoodac, Davisville, and New Waterloo cemetery records were updated in 2008 by Mary Cogswell. Efforts are under way to locate, identify and record additional information from private cemeteries. Additional updates will occur as time and volunteers permit.
The information compiled from the headstones is organized alphabetically by last name for each cemetery. Each row includes a lot number or letter (for unmarked graves), last name, first name, middle name or initial, maiden name, date of birth, date of death, participation in a war, notes of additional information from other sources, and the name of the cemetery. If lot numbers are unknown, they are left blank. Some lots have no headstones or markers and are indicated by a letter or “NM” (i.e. no marker). Information about these burial sites is recorded from other sources (i.e. oral histories, family notes, etc.). Lot numbers indicate the location of graves in each cemetery. They correspond to maps for each cemetery that were created by Roxana Smith for the original project in 1978. Maps for Davisville and New Waterloo cemeteries were updated in 2008. The maps are located with printed copies of the cemetery records at the Warner Historical Society and the Pillsbury Free Library. Veteran status was determined by the location of a separate marker at each gravesite. (The records of the privately owned Morse Cemetery are not accessible on the Warner Historical Society website by request of the owners.)
In the fall of 2014, Mary Cogswell and Don Wheeler updated the cemetery records for New Waterloo, Schoodac, Tory Hill, Davisville, and Pine Grove Cemetery. Records were also added for the Brown Cemetery.
Records from headstones in Pine Grove Cemetery were updated by Mary Cogswell and Carol Piroso in 1998. Schoodac, Davisville, and New Waterloo cemetery records were updated in 2008 by Mary Cogswell. Efforts are under way to locate, identify and record additional information from private cemeteries. Additional updates will occur as time and volunteers permit.
The information compiled from the headstones is organized alphabetically by last name for each cemetery. Each row includes a lot number or letter (for unmarked graves), last name, first name, middle name or initial, maiden name, date of birth, date of death, participation in a war, notes of additional information from other sources, and the name of the cemetery. If lot numbers are unknown, they are left blank. Some lots have no headstones or markers and are indicated by a letter or “NM” (i.e. no marker). Information about these burial sites is recorded from other sources (i.e. oral histories, family notes, etc.). Lot numbers indicate the location of graves in each cemetery. They correspond to maps for each cemetery that were created by Roxana Smith for the original project in 1978. Maps for Davisville and New Waterloo cemeteries were updated in 2008. The maps are located with printed copies of the cemetery records at the Warner Historical Society and the Pillsbury Free Library. Veteran status was determined by the location of a separate marker at each gravesite. (The records of the privately owned Morse Cemetery are not accessible on the Warner Historical Society website by request of the owners.)
In the fall of 2014, Mary Cogswell and Don Wheeler updated the cemetery records for New Waterloo, Schoodac, Tory Hill, Davisville, and Pine Grove Cemetery. Records were also added for the Brown Cemetery.